CSR Planning

“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at large.”

World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Businesses do not operate in a vacuum. Societies don’t live in separation from businesses that function within. The two are interdependent. Therefore, mutual understanding and responsible behavior is crucial in building a better future. Businesses genuine CSR efforts has to be recognized and encouraged by society.

As an engine for social progress, CSR helps companies live up to their responsibilities as global citizens and local neighbors in a fast-changing world. Acting in a socially responsible manner is more than just an ethical duty for a company, but is something that actually has a bottom line pay-off. Our CSR methodology has no universal standards. It is based on the fundamental belief that a coherent Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, should be rooted in sound ethics and core values. Our CSR programs should offer clear business benefits.

Sustainable development rests on three fundamental pillars: economic growth, ecological balance, and social progress.

Perspective offers companies practical guidance and hands-on tools for meeting diverse social expectations.

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